Tlingit introduction

Gunsi y’oo x’at duwas;aakw. Yeil ‘aya x’at. Deisheetaan naax x’at sitee. Deishu Hit hitd’ax ‘aya x’at. Xutsnoow’u Kw’aan kw’aand’ax ‘aya x’at. Quinault y’adi ‘aya x’at.

Above is the Tlingit introduction from the Sealaska website. It is not the full introduction but it is a start.  I included the Tlingit introduction because I want to learn how to say it soon and continue to learn my language. The toughest part about learning about identity and working on this cultural identity ePortfolio project is finding out that language is tied to your identity and within a language is the history, social roles, genealogy, traditions, and more. 

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